Final EUCPASU team meeting
1/31/20252 min read

On January 31, 2025, a three-year project funded by the EU under the Erasmus+ Jean Monnet Program (registration number 101047504 - EUCPASU - ERASMUS-JMO-2021-HEI-TCH-RSCH EUCPASU "Common EU Policies: Alignment Strategies for Ukraine", implemented at Ivan Franko National University of Lviv from February 1, 2022 by the Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence "Western Ukrainian Research Center for European Studies" in close cooperation with the Faculty of International Relations, the Faculty of Finance and Business Management, the Faculty of Journalism, and the European Union Information Center at the University of Lviv.
The project was aimed at modernizing the teaching of the course "EU Common Policies" for students of the Faculty of International Relations and creating a platform for discussing the challenges of implementing the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement. The main focus is on harmonizing Ukrainian policies with European standards in the areas of migration, social protection, education, regional development and cohesion. Special attention was paid to digitalization in public sector education programs, which will contribute to Ukraine's sustainable development.
Within the framework of the EUCPASU project, three online certificate programs "EU Common Policies: Alignment Strategies for Ukraine" were created and implemented, three thematic workshops were held on EU migration policy, EU regional and cohesion policy, and EU social policy. The project organized three simulations of the work of EU institutions (European Council, European Commission, Council of the EU) and three poster competitions on European topics, which were presented in a published poster catalog. On March 6, 2024, the final conference "Implementation of the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement: Selected Policies" was held as part of the project and a monograph "EU Common Policies: Alignment Strategies for Ukraine" was prepared.
All project activities and results are available on the website of the Jean Monnet Center of Excellence "Western Ukrainian Research Center for European Studies" at The project results will contribute to Ukraine's further European integration and the development of educational programs in this area.