The poster catalog contains information about the poster competition organized by the JMCE WURCES for the EU Common Policies art presentation.

Спільні політики ЄС: стратегії узгодження для України = Common Policies of the EU: Alignment Strategies for Ukraine : монографія / [Антонюк Н., Головко-Гавришева О., Краєвська О. та ін.] ; за ред. О. Краєвської,О. Головко-Гавришевої. – Львів : ЛНУ ім. Івана Франка, 2024. – 400 с.
The monograph reveals the main principles and practices of implementing common policies of the European Union in various spheres of public life. Particular attention is paid to the issues of Ukraine's approximation to the EU in the context of the implementation of the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement, as well as to the issues of modernization and reform on Ukraine's path to full membership in the EU. The materials of the monograph were discussed during the international scientific conference “Implementation of the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement: Selected Policies” (March 6, 2024, Lviv, Ukraine).