I WURCES JMCE WORKSHOP "Consumer Protection in the European Union and Ukraine", 2018.
On December 12-13, 2018, in cooperation and with support of the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine, the first event of the Jean Monnet Center for Excellence «Western Ukrainian Research Center for European Studies» (WURCES) was held in the framework of project 599469-EPP1-2018-1 -UA-EPJMO-CoE. It was devoted to the introduction of European standards for the regulation of consumer protection relations. Co-organizers of this initiative were the Lviv Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the Western Ukrainian Bureau of the European Business Association, as well as the law firm «Advice-Group». It participants were representatives of state authorities, business environment, and academic community. The workshop had 21 participants at the first day and 18 participants during the second day. It also included a public dicussion on the current state of the cooperation between the EU and Ukraine in consumer protection matters, as well as the adjustement of the Ukrainian legislation to the EU standards.

II WURCES JMCE WORKSHOP "EU Competition Law and Policy: Implications for Ukraine", 2019
Contemporary trends in the legal regulation of the competition in the EU, Ukraine’s obligations in the field of the adjustment of the national antimonopoly legislation to the EU standards, collective remedies in the EU Competition Law and consumer protection were discussed during the II WURCES Workshop on May 23, 2019. Professor Erika Szyszscak (Sussex University, the United Kingdom) analised the Mastercard litigation, which is before the courts in the United Kingdom, and demonstarated peculiarities of collective remedies for protection of consumer rights and interestes in competition law cases. Professor Kseniya Smyrova (Taras Shevchenko Kyiv National University) represented to the audience achievements and challanges regarding adjustment of Ukrainian legislation on competition to the EU rules and procedures. At the workshop attended 44 participants during the first day and 6 WURCES SRFs partcipated at the inhouse workshop on May 24, 2019.

III WURCES JMCE WORKSHOP "European Neighborhood Policy in the Context of EU Common Policies", 2019
On October 3-4, 2019 the III WURCES Workshop «European Neighborhood Policy in the Context of the EU Common Policies» took place at the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv. The event was organized by the WURCES team in the cooperation with the EU Information Center and was dedicated to the 10-th anniversary of the Eastern Partnership and 30 -th anniversary of the Jean Monnet Programme. Expert discussions on challenges for the European Neighborhood Policy in the times of hybrid wars took place on the first day of the meeting, whereas on the second ay the academic contributions on the EU Neighborhood Policy and practical issues of its realization were presented to the wider audience. A particular attention was paid to the Eastern Partnership and trans-border cooperation programs. The workshop gathered 51 participants on October 4, 2019 and 7 participants during the inhouse part on October 7, 2019.

IV WURCES JMCE WORKSHOP "Reforming Ukrainian Social Security System: Challenges for Pension System", 2020
The workshop took place at the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv in two sessions on March 29, 2020 and June 26, 2020. It was organized by the WURCES JMCE and the Department of Economy and Public Administration of the Faculty of Financial Business and Management of the Lviv University. The event was supported by the Main Department of the Pension Fund of Ukraine in Lviv. Its main aim was to analyze and to present the actual challenges for the Ukrainian social security system in the context of the fulfillment of the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement and to highlight the key problems of the Ukrainian social security system, especially in the pension sector on the way of its adjustements to best European practices. The first day of the workshop hosted 18 participants and 9 speakers, during the second part of the workshop there were 106 online attendees.

V WURCES JMCE WORKSHOP "State of Research in European Studies in Ukraine", 2021
On April 31, 2021 the V WURCES workshop “State of Research in European Studies in Ukraine” was conducted successfully at the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv. During the workshop main attention was paid to interdisciplinarity in European Studies, the peculiarities of the research activities in political sciences, international relations, economic and legal studies, historical studies and social sciences, as well as on the various Europan Studies' aspects important for applied sciences (computer technologies, agriculture, environmental studies etc.). The workshop attended 23 participants.