Strenthening Cooperation between Universities and Communities

The UNICOM WORKSHOP “Third Mission of Universities: Challenges and European Perspectives” took place in the online format on July 10-12, 2023


7/12/20232 min read

Within the framework of the realization of the UNICOM project the staff members of the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv participated at the UNICOM Workshop, which was focused upon the European perspectives and contemporary challenges, which HEIs face while being active in social sphere. Dr. Marianna Gladysh, associate professor of the Department of Strategic and Global Studies of the Faculty pf International Relations presented the Lviv University practices of social engagement during the wartime. Iryna Snovydovych, head of the Career Development and Business Cooperation Unit focused on the experiences the Lviv University has in developing enterneurship skills of youth in such complicated staff. Dr. Olha Stolyaryk, the associate professor of the Depertment of Social Pedagogy and Social Work and Dr. Oksana Holovko-Havrysheva, head of the Jean Monnet Center of Excellence, associate professor of the EU Law Department contributed to the organization and the impelementation of this event wtihin the work package 1, focusing on research and experience sharing with the regard to the third mission of HEIs.

The Erasmus+ project 101083077-UNICOM-ERASMUS-EDU-2022-CBHE "Universities-Communities: Strengthening Cooperation (UNICOM)"

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