PhD in Law, Associate Professor of the European Law Department of the Faculty of International Relations of the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv.
President of the Ukrainian Association of European Studies since 2018.
Promoted in 2004 with the degree of the Candidate of Juridical Sciences (12.00.11 – International Law) at the State and Law Institute named after Volodymyr Koretskyy of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.
In 2008 she was awarded the academic title of Associate Professor of the European Law Department.
Participant in numerous international projects, conferences and seminars in Ukraine and abroad as well as to international internships and trainings in Austria, the UK, the USA, Germany and other countries.
In 2014-2017 she was the academic coordinator of the Jean Monnet Project 553310 “Summer Courses in EU Law and Policies”.
In 2017-2018 – Senior Legal Research Fellow, in 2018-2019 – Senior Legal Training Fellow in the EU-funded project «Association4U», provided consultations to the Ministry of Trade and Development of Ukraine on approximation of the Ukrainian legislation to EU law.
Research Areas:
consumer protection and competition policy in Ukraine and the EU
European Neighborhood Policy, relations of the E with third countries
human rights protection and social policy of the European Union
legal resilience: EU experiences
the interaction of the Public International Law, EU Law and domestic law of the EU member states and third countries
Author for more than 80 academic publications, among them 2 monographies, 1 teaching manual (in co-authorship), chapters in text-books on Public International Law and European Union Law.
Selected publications
Oksana Holovko-Havrysheva. Aggression of Russia against Ukraine: Council of Europe, quo vadis in the solution of the interstate conflicts? //Ukrainian Dignity Revolution, aggression of the Russian Federation and International Law/ O. Zadoroghniy (eds)., Kyiv, 2014, p. 281-290.
Oksana Holovko-Havrysheva. Legal Regulation of the Social Policy of the European Union: Theoretical Aspects, Lviv, Publishing House of the Ivan Franko National University, 2008, 220 p.
Sources of Law: Law of the European Union text-book (in Ukrainian language)// P. Petrov (editor). – Kyiv, 2018, P.40-47 (in co-authorship with A. Vakulenko).
Competence of the European Union: European Union Law text-book (in Ukrainian language) // O.K. Vyshniakov (editor). – Odessa, 2013, P. 36-46
Oksana Holovko-Havrysheva. Chapter IV. International Law: Sense, Evolution, Modern Theories // International Relations: History. Theory. Economics. Law. / Eds. M.Z.Malskyy, Yu.M.Moroz. – Kyiv: “Znannia”, 2010. – P. 252-307.
Petro Shevchuk, Oksana Holovko-Havrysheva. European Social Policy: Economic and Legal Aspects. – Lviv: Liga Press, 2010. – 222 p.
Articles in foreign languages
Oksana Holovko. International Legal Aspects of Ukrainian Foreign Policy // German Yearbook of International Law. – № 45. – 2002. – P. 431-441.
Oksana Holovko. Some Reflections on the Legal Dimensions of the Co-operation between the European Union and Ukraine // Soziokultureller Wandel im Verfassungsstaat. Phänomene politischer Transformation / Hedwig Kopetz, Joseph Marko, Klaus Poier (Hg), 2004, Bd. 2. – P. 1021-1034.
Oksana I. Holovko-Havrysheva. Status prawny neielegalnych migrantów na Ukrainie (in Polish language) // Problemy ochronu granic / Holovko-Havrysheva O. I. – Kętrzyn. – Biuletyn № 54, 2014:– P.143-158.
Selected artices (in Ukrainian)
Oksana Holovko-Havrysheva. Supremacy of the European Union Law as the Fundamental of the Interaction between the EU Legal System and the Legal Systems of its Member States (in Ukrainian language)// Review of L’viv University, International Relations, 2017, vol.42, P.227-232, available under the link http://publications.lnu.edu.ua/bulletins/index.php/intrel/article/view/7728/7719
Oksana Holovko-Havrysheva. Legal Aspects of Cooperation between Ukraine and the European Union in the Field of Social Policy (in Ukrainian language)//Institutional and Legal Support of the European Integration of Ukraine, R. Petrov, O. Holovko-Havrysheva, M. Kuzio, D. Chernikov. – Kyiv, Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, 2015. – P. 22-29, available at: http://www.fes.kiev.ua/new/wb/media/publikationen/europrav2015.pdf
Oksana Holovko-Havrysheva. Implementation of the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement in the Field of the Legal Regulation of the Cooperation in Social Affairs/ Law of Ukraine, 2015, Vol.8, p. 102-111.