Dr. Hab. of Law, Head of the European Law Department at the Faculty of International Relations of Ivan Franko National University of Lviv
Vice-Dean of the Faculty of International Relations of Ivan Franko National University of Lviv
Promoted in 1996 with the degree of the Candidate of Juridical Sciences (12.00.11 – International Law). Dissertation topic: «International Law Aspects of Co-operation of the European Union with Third Countries»
2007 – Habilitation in the field of Juridical Sciences (12.00.11 – International Law) at the State and Law Institute named after Volodymyr Koretskyy of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.
Since 2008 – Full Professor at the European Law Department of the Faculty of International Relations of the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv;
Research Areas:
EU Law
EU External Relations Law
EU Relations with Third Countries
EU-Ukraine Relations
Author of more than 150 publications in the field of the European Union Law and International Law
Selected Publications:
European Environmental Law, text-book, 2004, in co-authorship, edit. N. Andrusevych, T, Budiakova, 256 p., in Ukrainian language.
European Union: Politics, Economy and Law, text-book, 2005, in co-authorship, edit. N. A. Antoniuk, N.V. Antoniuk, N.A. Romaniuk and other, 532 p., in Ukrainian language.
Commercial Diplomacy: Law and Politics, text-book, 2005, in co-authorship, edit. L. Dawson, M. Z. Malskyy and other, 520 p., in Ukrainian language.
Commercial Diplomacy: Law and Politics, text-book, 2005, in co-authorship, edit. L. Dawson, M. Z. Malskyy and other, 704 p., in Ukrainian language.
European Environmental Law, text-book, 2008, in co-authorship, edit. N. Andrusevych, T, Budiakova, 326 p., in Ukrainian language.
Chapter 22. International Economic Law// Public International Law. text-book, 2012, in co-authorship, edit. V. Repetskyy, 2011, 437 p., in Ukrainian language. Published in 2013:
International Judicial Law-Making: From the Concept ti the Practical Realization in the Activivties of European Judicial Bodies// International Law in XXI Century: Actual State of Arts and Perspectives for Development (Liber Amicorum Vasyl Repetskyy)/ Ed (Mykhailo Mykievych)., Lviv, LA “Piramida”, 2013, p.104-123 (in co-authorship).
Humanitarian Intervention in the European System of Collective Security// International Law as Basis of the Contemporary Legal Order Liber Amicorum: to 75-tha Anniversary of Prof. Volodymyr Denissov/ Eds. Melnyk Ya. Melnyk S. Korotkyy T., Kyiv, Odessa, 2012, p.71-92 (in co-authorship).
From Paris to Lisbon: Finanlization of the Process of International Personification of the European Union, Review of the Lviv University, International Relations Series, Vol.30, 2012, p. 157-169.
EU «ACQUIS» ЄС in the External Dimension of the EU’s Legal System, Law of Ukraine, 2013, No. 1-2., p.. 505-506
International Public Law: methodologic recommendations, Lviv, 2012, 68 p.
Fundamentals of the EU Law: syllabus and seminar plans for students of the Law School and Faculty of International Relations, Lviv, 2013, 39 p.