Learning Best Practices on Third Mission of Universities from Latvia with the UNICOM Project
8/27/20232 min read
During August 22-25, 2023 the members of the UNICOM team from the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv Oksana Krayevska, the administrative project coordinator of the UNICOM project and Iryna Snovydovych, the head of Career Development and Business Cooperation Department participated at the study visit to the University of Latvia (Riga, Latvia). The study visit aimed at presenting the Latvian experiences of performing third mission by universities. The study visit program, developed by Prof. Baiba Šavriņa, UNICOM project coordinator from the University of Latvia, consisted of informative sessions and presentations of the practices of the University of Latvia, especially its vision on "Future of Latvia 2050" as well as visits to the Latvian Parliament and meetings with Prof. Indriķis Muižnieks, rector of the University of Latvia, Dr. Zanda Kalniņa-Lukaševica, vice-Speaker of the Parliament of Latvia, Līga Meņģelsone, Minister of Health of Latvia, his Excellency Ambassador of Ukraine to Latvia Anatolii Kutsevol and many other university and community representatives. Latvian experiences of shaping the cooperation between universities and communities, as well as practices of the evaluation of the third mission are remarkable contribution to the realization of the UNICOM project.

The Erasmus+ project 101083077-UNICOM-ERASMUS-EDU-2022-CBHE "Universities-Communities: Strengthening Cooperation (UNICOM)"
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